Monday, February 18, 2013

Flag Raising (Honolulu, June 1861)

Source: Pacific Commercial Advertiser. Honolulu: Thursday, June 20, 1861. 

One of the most gratifying outbursts of patriotism witnessed here for many a day, occurred on Saturday last. A flag staff had been erected over the large building occupied by A.J. Cartwright and H.W. Severance, and about 12 o'lock a beautiful new American flag was unfolded and hoisted on it amid the cheers of a crowd of spectators. The crowd rapidly increased till the street in front of the building was filled, and being somewhat patriotic, they called for a speech, which was promptly responded to by C.C. Harris Esq., in his usual felicitous style, in which the flag, the constitution, and the country were held up as more worthy of defense now than when our fathers fought in 1776. 

He was followed by J.C. Spalding and A.J. Cartwright, in some brief remarks-the former representing the old Bay State, and the latter the little Empire State. The proceedings not being considered complete without the presence of the United States Commissioner, Coffin's carriage was dispatched to his residence, Washington Place, and soon returned with him. 

Col. Dryer, on coming forward, was vociferously cheered, and made some very appropriate remarks on the present state of affairs in America, the attitude which the Government has taken, the firmness of Abraham Lincoln, and his determination to see the rebellion crushed. 

After the flag raising and speeches were concluded, the auditors were invited to a liberal lunch, provided in the store of Mr. Severance. We noticed but one "seceder" present, our worthy friend "the marshal," who was doubtless attracted by the quality of the champagne, which he declared was unequalled even by the best "sparkling Lahaina." The whole affair was impromptu, and shows that Americans in Honolulu are true to their country and their country's flag in this hour of its peril. 

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